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Unieuro The Okay Witch 2: The
The Okay Witch 2: The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow is a fun and humorous children's comic that tells the story of a young witch who must face her fears in order to save her friend. This exciting and charming comic will appeal to children of all ages and is sure to leave them wanting more.
The Okay Witch 2: The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow è un libro per bambini scritto e illustrato da Emma Middleton. La storia segue la strega Oko, che vive in un bosco assieme ai suoi animali domestici. Un giorno, una creatura oscura e famelica comincia a seguire Oko ovunque lei vada. Riuscirà Oko a sconfiggere il terribile mostro prima che faccia del male al bosco? Con beloved characters, gorgeous illustrations, and laugh-out-loud humor, this newly updated edition of The okay Witch will have young readers enchanted!
The Okay Witch 2: The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow is a fun and humorous children's comic that tells the story of a young witch who must face her fears in order to save her friend. This exciting and charming comic will appeal to children of all ages and is sure to leave them wanting more.
The Okay Witch 2: The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow is a fun, light-hearted comic book for children. It follows the story of an okay witch who must deal with a hungry shadow that wants to eat everything in sight. The okay witch must find a way to stop the shadow before it destroys her town. The comic book is well-illustrated and easy to follow. It is also humorous, making it enjoyable for children to read.
The Okay Witch 2: The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow è un libro per bambini scritto e illustrato da Emma Middleton. La storia segue la strega Oko, che vive in un bosco assieme ai suoi animali domestici. Un giorno, una creatura oscura e famelica comincia a seguire Oko ovunque lei vada. Riuscirà Oko a sconfiggere il terribile mostro prima che faccia del male al bosco? Con beloved characters, gorgeous illustrations, and laugh-out-loud humor, this newly updated edition of The okay Witch will have young readers enchanted!
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