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Unieuro Dog Man: A Tale of
Dog Man, il supereroe a quattro zampe ideato da Dav Pilkey, torna in una divertente avventura che vede protagonista ancora una volta l'irriverente cucciolo di pastore tedesco. Stavolta dovrà affrontare due letali gatti gemelli, Cracker e Sweetie, intenti a seminare il panico nella città. Riuscirà Dog Man a fermarli? Scopritelo leggendo questo terzo entusiasmante episodio della serie!
Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties is the third installment in the hugely popular Dog Man series from Dav Pilkey, the creator of Captain Underpants. In this hilarious new adventure, Dog Man is put to the test when two newly adopted kittens turn out to be more trouble than he bargained for. As always, Dav Pilkey's illustrations bring humor and energy to this action-packed story, which is sure to please fans of all ages.
Dog Man, il supereroe a quattro zampe ideato da Dav Pilkey, torna in una divertente avventura che vede protagonista ancora una volta l'irriverente cucciolo di pastore tedesco. Stavolta dovrà affrontare due letali gatti gemelli, Cracker e Sweetie, intenti a seminare il panico nella città. Riuscirà Dog Man a fermarli? Scopritelo leggendo questo terzo entusiasmante episodio della serie!
Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties is the third installment in the Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey. In this latest adventure, Dog Man must face off against two new foes: Petey, the World's Most Evil Cat, and Li'l Bat, a stray kitten who turns out to be more than just a cute little kitty. Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties is sure to keep young readers entertained with its humorous illustrations and fast-paced story.
Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties is the third installment in the hugely popular Dog Man series from Dav Pilkey, the creator of Captain Underpants. In this hilarious new adventure, Dog Man is put to the test when two newly adopted kittens turn out to be more trouble than he bargained for. As always, Dav Pilkey's illustrations bring humor and energy to this action-packed story, which is sure to please fans of all ages.
Scopri il prezzo tramite i nostri partners. Classifica Fumetti di animali per bambini
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Prezzo: 10,68 €
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Prezzo: 10,68 €
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