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Prezzo: 22,56 €
Sconto: 0,68 €

Unieuro The Fox and the Star:
The Fox and the Star is a charming children's book about an unlikely friendship between a fox and a star. The illustrations are beautiful, and the story is sweet and heartwarming. This is a perfect book for bedtime or any time your child needs a little bit of warmth and comfort.
The Fox and the Star is a beautifully illustrated children's story about a fox who goes on a journey to find the star that he has lost. The book is written by Coralie Bickford-Smith, an award-winning British illustrator and author. The illustrations in the book are truly stunning, and they help bring the story to life. The Fox and the Star is sure to capture your child's imagination, and it is a great book for bedtime or anytime reading.
The Fox and the Star is a charming children's book about an unlikely friendship between a fox and a star. The illustrations are beautiful, and the story is sweet and heartwarming. This is a perfect book for bedtime or any time your child needs a little bit of warmth and comfort.
The Fox and the Star is a beautiful children's book by Coralie Bickford-Smith. The story follows a fox who lives in the forest and befriends a star. The illustrations are gorgeous and the story is sweet and heartwarming. This is definitely a book that both kids and adults will enjoy.
The Fox and the Star is a beautifully illustrated children's story about a fox who goes on a journey to find the star that he has lost. The book is written by Coralie Bickford-Smith, an award-winning British illustrator and author. The illustrations in the book are truly stunning, and they help bring the story to life. The Fox and the Star is sure to capture your child's imagination, and it is a great book for bedtime or anytime reading.
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Prezzo: 22,56 €
Sconto: 0,68 €
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