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Unieuro BL Fans LOVE My Brother?!
BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! Is a hilarious manga that follows the everyday lives of a group of friends who are all into BL (Boys' Love). The comics are full of funny moments and heartwarming scenes, making it a must-read for any BL fan!
This manga is a heartwarming story about two brothers who are super close despite being complete opposites! The older brother is a passionate BL fan, and the younger brother is a popularcanonical couple shipper. Though their interests may clash, they care for each other deeply and are always there for one another when it counts the most. BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! is a must-read for anyone looking for a warm and fuzzy slice-of-life story that will make you laugh out loud.
BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! Is a hilarious manga that follows the everyday lives of a group of friends who are all into BL (Boys' Love). The comics are full of funny moments and heartwarming scenes, making it a must-read for any BL fan!
-L'umorismo presente nel libro incontrerà sicuramente il vostro gusto -Se vi piace BL, questo è un libro che non potete perdervi -I personaggi sono ben caratterizzati e la narrazione fluida rendono la lettura molto piacevole
This manga is a heartwarming story about two brothers who are super close despite being complete opposites! The older brother is a passionate BL fan, and the younger brother is a popularcanonical couple shipper. Though their interests may clash, they care for each other deeply and are always there for one another when it counts the most. BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! is a must-read for anyone looking for a warm and fuzzy slice-of-life story that will make you laugh out loud.
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Ritiro in negozio
Prezzo: 6,49 €
Sconto: 0,19 €
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