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Unieuro Spy X Family 1
1. Spy x Family is an ongoing manga series written and illustrated by Akiko Higashimura. 2. The comedy follows a master spy who disguises himself as a tutor in order to get close to the family of a diplomat he needs to assassinate. 3. The series has been praised for its comedic timing and artwork, with critics calling it "a must-read for fans of slice-of-life and romantic comedies."
Spy x Family is a hilarious manga series that tells the story of a top-secret agent who has to go undercover as a family man in order to carry out his latest mission. The main character, Twilight, is an incredibly skilled spy who is tasked with infiltrating a wealthy family in order to learn more about their business dealings. However, Twilight is not used to living a normal life and he soon finds himself struggling to fit in with his new family. The Spy x Family manga series is full of humor and heart, and it's sure to appeal to fans of all ages. If you're looking for a fun and light-hearted read, then this is the perfect series for you!
1. Spy x Family is an ongoing manga series written and illustrated by Akiko Higashimura. 2. The comedy follows a master spy who disguises himself as a tutor in order to get close to the family of a diplomat he needs to assassinate. 3. The series has been praised for its comedic timing and artwork, with critics calling it "a must-read for fans of slice-of-life and romantic comedies."
In Spy X Family, una parodia delle classiche storie di spionaggio basata sul tema della famiglia, Obeya Doberman è il miglior agente segreto al mondo. Per svolgere la sua missione segreta e sconfiggere l'organizzazione criminale Thule Society, non c'è niente che non sia pronto a fare - tranne forse usare le sue abilità di spionaggio per accudire i figli. Questi tre agenti speciali devono essere in grado di infiltrarsi nella società, raccogliere informazioni importanti e tutto mentre fingono di essere una normale famiglia!
Spy x Family is a hilarious manga series that tells the story of a top-secret agent who has to go undercover as a family man in order to carry out his latest mission. The main character, Twilight, is an incredibly skilled spy who is tasked with infiltrating a wealthy family in order to learn more about their business dealings. However, Twilight is not used to living a normal life and he soon finds himself struggling to fit in with his new family. The Spy x Family manga series is full of humor and heart, and it's sure to appeal to fans of all ages. If you're looking for a fun and light-hearted read, then this is the perfect series for you!
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