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Prezzo: 5,09 €
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Unieuro Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4
Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4 (English Edition) is a humorous manga about Kaiju, monsters that attack Japan. The story follows the everyday life of Hachiro, a ordinary salaryman who turns into a Kaiju after being hit by a truck carrying radioactive waste.
Kaiju No. 8 is a hilarious manga that follows the adventures of Kaiju, a Monstrous Creature who has just been enrolled in the 8th District Monster Academy! Kaiju is determined to make friends and fit in, but his colossal size and terrifying appearance always seem to get in the way. Whether he's taking out the trash or trying to sneak into a classmate's house, his bumbling antics are sure to keep you entertained!
Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4 (English Edition) is a humorous manga about Kaiju, monsters that attack Japan. The story follows the everyday life of Hachiro, a ordinary salaryman who turns into a Kaiju after being hit by a truck carrying radioactive waste.
Kaiju No. 8 is a hilarious monster manga that follows the everyday life of Kaiju, a giant monster who works for the Monster Union. In this volume, Kaiju's co-workers throw him a going away party as he prepares to move to a new city. But before he leaves, he must deal with one last problem: finding a date for his friend's wedding!
Kaiju No. 8 is a hilarious manga that follows the adventures of Kaiju, a Monstrous Creature who has just been enrolled in the 8th District Monster Academy! Kaiju is determined to make friends and fit in, but his colossal size and terrifying appearance always seem to get in the way. Whether he's taking out the trash or trying to sneak into a classmate's house, his bumbling antics are sure to keep you entertained!
Scopri il prezzo tramite i nostri partners. Classifica Manga umoristico
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Ritiro in negozio
Prezzo: 5,09 €
Sconto: 0,15 €
Unieuro Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4
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Amazon Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4
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Euronics Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4
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Mediaworld Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 4
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