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Prezzo: 112,63 €
Sconto: 3,38 €

Unieuro Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
Dog Man is back in this supersized collection of the first ten books in his popular series! This mega-bundle includes: Dog Man Dog Man: Unleashed Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties Dog Man and Cat Kid Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild Dog Man and Petaluma'
Dog Man is the literary sensation of the year! This box set includes all ten books in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. Dog Man, an international crime-fighting hero who is part dog, part man, and all superstar! George and Harold have created the greatest superhero in all of cartoon history: Dog Man! From sitting on his regal throne atop Mount Funely to defending Lou from punks at playgrounds to accidentally ingesting dental floss that flies him into outer space -- no matter what problems arise, Dog Man always triumphs! Or... does he? These first ten volumes showcase a multitude of adventures as well as introducing readers to extraordinary new characters like Li'l Petey (a pot-bellied pig), Flippy (an accident-prone dolphin) and Tiny Hamster (a wee rodent warrior)! Don't miss out -- they're sure to be your new best friends too!
Dog Man is back in this supersized collection of the first ten books in his popular series! This mega-bundle includes: Dog Man Dog Man: Unleashed Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties Dog Man and Cat Kid Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild Dog Man and Petaluma'
Dog Man 1-10: The Supa Buddies Mega Collection is the perfect way to get your kids into reading! This collection includes the first ten books in the Dog Man series, which follows the adventures of a lovable dog who turns into a superhero. Each book is packed with action, humor, and valuable lessons about teamwork, loyalty, and friendship.
Dog Man is the literary sensation of the year! This box set includes all ten books in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. Dog Man, an international crime-fighting hero who is part dog, part man, and all superstar! George and Harold have created the greatest superhero in all of cartoon history: Dog Man! From sitting on his regal throne atop Mount Funely to defending Lou from punks at playgrounds to accidentally ingesting dental floss that flies him into outer space -- no matter what problems arise, Dog Man always triumphs! Or... does he? These first ten volumes showcase a multitude of adventures as well as introducing readers to extraordinary new characters like Li'l Petey (a pot-bellied pig), Flippy (an accident-prone dolphin) and Tiny Hamster (a wee rodent warrior)! Don't miss out -- they're sure to be your new best friends too!
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Ritiro in negozio
Prezzo: 112,63 €
Sconto: 3,38 €
Unieuro Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
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Sconto: 2,25 €
Amazon Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
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Prezzo: 112,63 €
Sconto: 2,25 €
Euronics Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
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Sconto: 2,25 €
Mediaworld Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
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Sconto: 2,25 €
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Prezzo: 112,63 €
Sconto: 1,13 € Dog Man 1-10: The Supa
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