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Unieuro Smile: A Graphic Novel (English
"Smile: A Graphic Novel (English Edition)" is a heartwarming and empowering story about Resilience, told through the eyes of a young girl who survives bullying and turns her experience into something positive. Smile has been honored with multiple awards, including the Newbery Medal, and has been translated into over 20 languages.
Smile is a touching and insightful graphic novel about a young girl's journey through life, told through the lens of her braces. The book follows the main character, Raina, as she navigates the ups and downs of adolescence, from dealing with bullies to preparing for her first date. Along the way,Raina learns some valuable lessons about accepting herself and others. Smile is an uplifting story that will resonate with readers of all ages. The gorgeous illustrations bring Raina's world to life, making this a book that can be enjoyed again and again.
"Smile: A Graphic Novel (English Edition)" is a heartwarming and empowering story about Resilience, told through the eyes of a young girl who survives bullying and turns her experience into something positive. Smile has been honored with multiple awards, including the Newbery Medal, and has been translated into over 20 languages.
Smile is a New York Times bestselling graphic novel about facing adversity with resilience and humor. When Raina Telgemeier's teeth start falling out, she's sure it has something to do with all the stress from moving to a new home, starting at a new school, and especially dealing with braces. But as her smile starts slipping further away each day, Raina begins to wonder if there's more to it than that...
Smile is a touching and insightful graphic novel about a young girl's journey through life, told through the lens of her braces. The book follows the main character, Raina, as she navigates the ups and downs of adolescence, from dealing with bullies to preparing for her first date. Along the way,Raina learns some valuable lessons about accepting herself and others. Smile is an uplifting story that will resonate with readers of all ages. The gorgeous illustrations bring Raina's world to life, making this a book that can be enjoyed again and again.
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Prezzo: 5,99 €
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Unieuro Smile: A Graphic Novel (English
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Amazon Smile: A Graphic Novel (English
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Euronics Smile: A Graphic Novel (English
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Mediaworld Smile: A Graphic Novel (English
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