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Unieuro Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
Guts: A Graphic Novel is a heart-wrenching story of a young boy named Chris who battles Crohn's disease. The novel is told through the use of beautiful illustrations and fascinating storytelling. Although Guts: A Graphic Novel is geared towards younger readers, it will resonate with people of all ages who are affected by chronic illness.
Guts: A Graphic Novel is a powerful and heartwarming story about a young boy who overcomes great obstacles to find his place in the world. Told through the artwork of Eliza Frye, this beautiful graphic novel will inspire readers of all ages. Gusts tells the tale of a young boy named Gus, who was born with severe spinal deformities and has spent his entire life confined to a hospital bed. When Gus meets another patient named Owen, who is facing his own battle with cancer, the two become fast friends. Owen encourages Gus to believe in himself and follow his dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. With Owen's help, Gus learns to walk and eventually leaves the hospital for good. Gus: A Graphic Novel is an inspiring story of friendship, determination, and hope that will resonate with readers of all ages.
Guts: A Graphic Novel is a heart-wrenching story of a young boy named Chris who battles Crohn's disease. The novel is told through the use of beautiful illustrations and fascinating storytelling. Although Guts: A Graphic Novel is geared towards younger readers, it will resonate with people of all ages who are affected by chronic illness.
Guts: A Graphic Novel is a story about perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Despite all the odds, Guts manages to succeed against all odds and proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The illustrations are simply superb and help bring the story to life. This is an inspiring tale that will resonate with readers of all ages.
Guts: A Graphic Novel is a powerful and heartwarming story about a young boy who overcomes great obstacles to find his place in the world. Told through the artwork of Eliza Frye, this beautiful graphic novel will inspire readers of all ages. Gusts tells the tale of a young boy named Gus, who was born with severe spinal deformities and has spent his entire life confined to a hospital bed. When Gus meets another patient named Owen, who is facing his own battle with cancer, the two become fast friends. Owen encourages Gus to believe in himself and follow his dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. With Owen's help, Gus learns to walk and eventually leaves the hospital for good. Gus: A Graphic Novel is an inspiring story of friendship, determination, and hope that will resonate with readers of all ages.
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Unieuro Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
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Amazon Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
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Euronics Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
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Mediaworld Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
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Prezzo: 6,49 €
Sconto: 0,06 € Guts: A Graphic Novel (English
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