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Unieuro Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT (English Edition) is a comedic manga that follows the adventures of Chainsaw Man, a young man with a chainsaw for a head. The manga is full of humorous moments and fantasy elements that will appeal to fans of both genres.
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT is an English manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was serialized in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine from April 2016 to February 2019, with its chapters collected into nine tank?bon volumes. The story follows Denji, a young man who dreams of becoming rich but regularly finds himself in debt, until he meets a chainsaw devil that tells him it will grant his wish if he kills evil spirits called devils with his chainsaw. As he goes on his Devil Hunter journey, killing devils and gaining their powers along the way, Denji must face harsh reality when the government announces its plans to exterminate all devils, including those that have allied themselves with humans.</p> Chainsaw Man is an action-packed, darkly comedic manga series that follows début author and artist Tatsuki Fujimoto's everyman protagonist as he tries to make ends chopping up demons! Dopo aver ricevuto una potente motosega dal demonio che l'ha assunto come cacciatore di taglie per aiutarlo a racimolare qualche soldo per pagare il suo debito di vita (oltre ad altri piccoli prestiti), il nostro eroe si ritrova coinvolto in una missione più grande e più complessa del previsto quando scopre che la principale organizzazione governativa dedicata alla caccia ai demoni è intenzionata ad eliminare tutti i mostri della Terra… compresi coloro che hanno stretto alleati con gli esseri umani!
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT (English Edition) is a comedic manga that follows the adventures of Chainsaw Man, a young man with a chainsaw for a head. The manga is full of humorous moments and fantasy elements that will appeal to fans of both genres.
Chainsaw Man is a horror/comedy manga that follows the story of Denji, a young man who sells his soul to a devil in order to get a chainsaw that can kill anything. When the devil double-crosses him, Denji must use his new chainsaw to fight his way back to the top. Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT features more over-the-top action and dark humor, as well as some gory violence.
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 2: CHAINSAW vs. BAT is an English manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was serialized in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine from April 2016 to February 2019, with its chapters collected into nine tank?bon volumes. The story follows Denji, a young man who dreams of becoming rich but regularly finds himself in debt, until he meets a chainsaw devil that tells him it will grant his wish if he kills evil spirits called devils with his chainsaw. As he goes on his Devil Hunter journey, killing devils and gaining their powers along the way, Denji must face harsh reality when the government announces its plans to exterminate all devils, including those that have allied themselves with humans.</p> Chainsaw Man is an action-packed, darkly comedic manga series that follows début author and artist Tatsuki Fujimoto's everyman protagonist as he tries to make ends chopping up demons! Dopo aver ricevuto una potente motosega dal demonio che l'ha assunto come cacciatore di taglie per aiutarlo a racimolare qualche soldo per pagare il suo debito di vita (oltre ad altri piccoli prestiti), il nostro eroe si ritrova coinvolto in una missione più grande e più complessa del previsto quando scopre che la principale organizzazione governativa dedicata alla caccia ai demoni è intenzionata ad eliminare tutti i mostri della Terra… compresi coloro che hanno stretto alleati con gli esseri umani!
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